Our Association
South Hampton Homes Association consists of 528 residents. Association assessments are $155 per year. Dues are used to maintain common areas (monument maintenance, lighting, landscaping, mowing and watering), make neighborhood improvements (new perimeter fencing, new monuments, new trees, etc) and host neighborhood events that are fun for the whole family.
The South Hampton Homes Association has a Board of Directors consisting of 5 - 7 members. The Board is elected annually at the Homes Association Annual Meeting in November. The Homes Association also has a Social Committee and Architectural Committee. The Board welcomes and encourages resident involvement in meetings and events.
Our Schools
South Hampton is part of Kansas Unified School District 233 which is known as the Olathe Unified School District. This district is one of the fastest growing districts in the area and is the second largest district in Kansas. This district has won several awards for education and facilities. More information about the Olathe Unified School District can be found at
www.olatheschools.com.South Hampton Homes Association is served by the following schools:
Madison Place Elementary School
Grades K - 5